Hi guys! I’m back to share my precious experience with u all! Well, the lesson this time is very, very refreshing and cool! Listening to songs during class hour is so much revitalizing. Dr. Jaya with his three angels plays us several songs that convey messages about the World. The issues such as equal rights, human crisis, and discrimination are written as songs. Through these songs, awareness on things happen around the World is infused in us.

Later on, we are assigned to work in groups and we must choose a song that has message about the issues discussed above. Husna, Kumutha, Fonyi, Guhan and I choose the song Black or White by Michael Jackson. The reason we choose this song is because it brings the message of equality in every human being no matter you are an Indian, a Malay, a Chinese, or a Spanish. The video clip is attractive and the rhythm is captivating. Micahel Jackson in this song stresses on human equality and we must avoid discrimination.
Thus, this song Black or White is very suitable to be utilized in classroom s as students will realize that there are many other people with different colours, races, languages and cultures in the World. Therefore, they will learn to respect each other and they will try to understand the culture of other citizens of the World.
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